Announcment about change to system rules

single click of glory

[Big Announcement]

Our Crypto Salary system kicks ass, but there’s a HEAP of performance to squeeze out of it.

AND we can make it easier and simpler to trade.

I’d like to announce the first update to our Crypto Salary System…V2.0

Because I’m not a shitweasel I’m going to share with you exactly what the changes are, show you the data underpinning them, and share the tools that make this system easier than ever to trade….

So let’s get down in the weeds with the Crypto Salary System V2.0

Now with 50% less ass-puckering**

(may not really be 50% but its a significant reduction in ass-puckering nonetheless)

Here’s the deal.

Previously, we’ve been selecting our coins to trade on the basis that a higher reading is a better edge.

That isn’t quite true, and it took me some time to figure that out.

You see, when the market shits the bed and a coin is actually going bankrupt the funding rate goes ballistic.

And the system seems to select the worst coins again and again on the long side. I’m talking about Celcius, Anchor, Luna, etc.

Now… this wasn’t a disaster since the other rules of the system keep us from really getting stung, and weirdly CELPERP has given us quite a few wins… but it’s awful to trade, truly.

Nobody likes going long a coin that has literally filed for bankruptcy.

It’s still a (small) edge but it’s one of those things that sucks when you actually have to do it.

And one thing I definitely didn’t consider is how it feels to have an order in on a very thinly traded microcap altcoin and see the order fill in very s-l-o-w-ly.

It’s hard to describe, but this truly makes my pee pee shrink.

After all, when I decide I want to trade, I want to be in my trade NOW.

Both these problems are easily solved by restricting the universe to the top 100 coins.

Duh, Scott.

Yeah, I know, I’m feeling kinda stupid right now. (And thanks to coach Andrew for helping me see it)

But before we could change the rules of the system we had to test it.

So, here are the real results from June 21 onwards (when we started testing the new version)

Expectancy .44… which in non-nerd means that if you risk $100 per trade on average you will make $44 every time.

Which, if you know trading, is excellent. Anything above .1 expectancy is considered tradeable.

Side by side it's a flawless victory for the new version… But we didn’t stop there…

We shoved a metric fuck-ton of data into the backtester…. And we’ve now backtested 9400 trades…

The big takeaways

YES this works, it works on a huge dataset including both bull bear and sideways markets (Phew!)

Now, check this out.

When we trade in the opposite direction of our positive carry edge look what happens….

When we trade in the direction of the positive carry… we win.

When we trade AGAINST the direction of the carry… it loses really badly.

And that holds true for both long AND short trades

So now we can say FOR SURE AND CERTAIN that the positive carry is legit.

And we can say for sure that the more liquid coins are a better edge.

And also this is way easier to trade now.

Check this out.

Coach Andrew built a new tool with a list of the coins in order

All you have to do is go down the list one at a time and click one button

If you want to get involved but you thought this might be too hard… it’s not anymore.

Here’s a 6 minute read with all the details of our community.

CLICK HERE to get in touch with me about enrolling at the perfect time to learn v2.

If that wasn’t clear enough for you, come along to this weeks webinar on Tuesday 2nd August 7pm EST (that’s Wednesday morning if you are in Australia/Asia) and I’ll show you in more detail.

Make sure you register here, spots fill up quick.

Before I finish one quick point about the fragile as fuck price action in cryptos.

The longer the market goes sideways the more fragile it gets

So finally this market is ready to fall off the plate.

The price action here is extremely bad.

We are in a bear market, and it’s been trying to go up for 6 weeks.

The slow grind is running out of steam, and the bears can take over at will here.

If you are looking for some degenerate shortside action, look for the coins that have sucked the most on the rally.

It’s a classic mistake to want to short the coins that “have gone up too much”, when it's easier to short the laggards.

That list is HNT, XLM, DCR, BCH… 

Let me mark these stinkers up with entry points and stop losses (you’re welcome)

Those are some mighty fine shortside victims.

