Billionaires swear by this trading system

Yesterday I talked about how trend trading the crypto markets has changed my life. [click here if you missed it]

Buying the coins that are going up and shorting the coins that are going down saves me a lot of anxiety, and stops me acting like a dickhead.

It’s the true secret to generating wealth from the crypto markets.

For instance, today I’m long the coins on the left, and short the coins on the right.

Stupid-simple, but it works.

See MTL (our top bullish coin for today)

Compare and contrast with CHR, our top bearish pick.

(dick and balls pattern, strike rate unmatched)

I don’t know or care what either of these two coins do.

They might be scams, they might be great… I just do not care as long as it makes money.

This isn’t JUST about the money, though.

Before I automated all this into a press-button-make-money system, I used to have to wake up at 4:30 every morning and place my orders like a schmuck.

For nearly 1000 days I did not miss a day. Not even when I was on my deathbed.

I’m a beast, and I was proud of it.

My kidneys failed a few years ago, (long story) I was in the hospital hooked up to an artificial kidney with a tube coming out of my throat.

You can see that I STILL did my business, even hours from death with 2% kidney function.

I thought that made me a “serious trader” but it really just made me a sucker.

You see, there was absolutely no reason I couldn’t automate it (expect for the vast expense and years to do it)

It takes 3 minutes to set up, and my job is completely automated.

So “technically” I’m a professional trader, but because of press-button-make-money system, I’m more of a man of leisure.

Instead of waking up every morning to study the markets, I go to the beach with my daughter and visit the local elephant (who joins us for our morning walk).

The elephant trumpets and runs to her whenever she sees us. It really is true that elephants never forget!

It’s moments like this that make me appreciate the life that trend following has given me.

And the beautiful part of it all is anyone can do it.

You don’t need to know anything about markets or trading.

You don’t need to be smart.

And you don’t need to be hardworking.

I’m at my computer a fraction of the time and I’m making even more money.

In fact, we’re all getting 107% returns on AVERAGE every single year.

It leaves my day free to do what’s really important, which is loving my beautiful family and enjoying the freedom I’ve earned.

I’d like YOU to experience this too.
