the dildo of consequences

rarely arrives lubed...

We’ve reached the “Warren Buffet quotes” stage of market destruction today…

And as usual, the Oracle of Omaha has it bang on…

You see, raising rates in the USA has made the US Dollar more attractive than every other currency.

Nowhere has been fucked harder and with less lube than Great Britain (now renamed to “Good Britain) which is having it’s worst trading day since <checks notes> July 4, 1776 wtf!

(today’s email is gonna be me mostly dunking on the GBP so if that upsets you… blame Charles who became king then rugged it)

The new imbeciles who replaced the old imbeciles in England decided that the way out of their economic problems is to enact a bunch of tax cuts for the rich so the poors would get a “trickle down” benefit.

And the market gave a resounding thumbs down to that move…

And a longer term perspective is kind of helpful here.

GBPUSD is now trading at it’s lowest price EVER.

^^^Couldn’t happen to a bigger pack o’ cunts if you ask me 

Good luck with the bonuses this year, finance bros!

Today it traded lower than when George Soros broke the bank of England way back in the day 

ALL the other currencies are doing this crazy shit too. AUD, NZD, the emerging markets…

Presumably someone is waking J-Pow up right about now and explaining to him that crashing the economies of every one of their allies to lower inflation isn’t gonna win him any friends.

Rock, meet hard place.

The Fed wants to keep raising rates. 

They’ve said loud and clear that they don’t care that it will crash property and stock markets… and you should believe them.

But they break the markets and liquidity dries up in the plumbing of the global economy and the US Dollar goes through the roof.

US manufactured goods become super-expensive.

The countries who buy the stuff the US makes go broke (because oil is priced in USD)

But if you are English, don’t despair. 

Your net worth could buy 4 cartoon ape jpegs last year and now you are worth 12 cartoon apes. YOLO!

(I’ve waited a long time to write today’s email btw, dunking on our former colonial overlords is pretty sweet)

Make no mistake, this is the start of 2008 redux.

The one that really matters is the Chinese Yuan.

If we break the green line, expect shit to get weird

How to play this is to NOT play this…

This action is so weird and so dangerous that the odds of coordinated intervention (money printer back on) just went up.

And when you bet on what old white guys are gonna do to keep shit the way it is you go broke.

I know that crypto is holding up comparatively well, but that’s because it’s all in USD, innit?

So hands OFF the trading platform today, M’Kay?

Except for the Crypto Salary System, which prints money just like it’s supposed to.

I know I bang on and on about it, but it’s literally the only thing I can recommend with a straight face right now.

I mean I can’t wait until the AWCE system switches back on, and I’ve got a whole lot of amazing new stuff to show you… but I can’t in conscience tell you to get long here.

Just too dangerous.

Settle in with the Crypto Salary System, learn the ropes and you’ll have a brand new skill to tide you through the dark days.

Register for the next training HERE

And when you are ready to take the leap and have me holding your hand the whole way CLICK HERE

I’ll be keeping you updated with the play-by-play
