Dummies guide to the Crypto Salary System

in case I confused you on the webinar

I owe you an apology.

In the webinar I did my usual thing of assuming everyone has been trading for a decade like me.

Probably confused you and made you feel like you couldn’t do it… which I assure you is not the case.

My bad.

I put together a quick loom video with a “dummies guide to the Crypto Salary System”. It’s just 5 minutes long (including me doing it for realz)

Also, some of you have been asking what actually it is that I’m selling and what can it do for you.

Bottom line… I’d be thrilled to be your mentor. I take raw beginners and turn them into experts, again and again.

I can do that for you too. Way quicker than you can do on your own.

Click here to apply to work directly with me.

