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- The Federal reserve has no idea what they are doing
The Federal reserve has no idea what they are doing
The Fed raised rates by .75 basis points (and promised to re-up again next month)...
Almost guaranteeing a recession…
And the stonk market rallied.
What in the actual fuck?
Shows *exactly* why following the news is a waste of time.
Here’s the thing.
The Fed has thousands of Economists costing billions of dollars a year.
They SUCK at this.
Time and time again, for decades, they wait too late to touch the brakes on the economy and end up having to mash the clown car into a skid to slow it down.
I mean in fucking March they were still doing QE because none of those muppets have filled up their own car or bought their own groceries in decades.
No skin in the game. Yellen gets it wrong, we get a recession and she has to admit that she’s mildly embarrassed and go on collecting 7m a year in kleptocrat speaking fees.
Janet Yellen should literally be tarred and feathered, lose her house and be sent back to Loch Ness like the hideous sea monster she is.
No skin in the game is the root of many problems. They don’t lose their job or lose their houses when they get it wrong, but you do.
They finally realized that Biden’s gonna lose the midterms because inflation is out of control so they are intentionally throwing us into recession to cool demand.
While doing nothing to improve supply of course. (its way easier to raise rates than fast-track new energy sources and mines)
In the 15 years I’ve been doing this most bubbles and most crashes have been caused by the Fed and their inability to see what normal people see until it’s too late… then they hit the brakes on the economy way harder than needed.
Our economy is crippled because a bunch of geriatric academics who never had a real job drive with the pedal mashed to the floor and then brake after impact.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
The Fed is still talking about a soft landing despite the simple fact that never in recorded history have we had a soft landing once inflation got above 4.5%
And crypto gets caught in the crossfire.
That’s what happened, truly.
The Fed fucks up, and signals loud and clear that investors need to rotate out of risk assets.
And the riskiest risk asset that ever risked…. Crypto.
It sucks, but long term at least BTC is going to be ok.

So what’s crypto going to do next?
Well. The 2018 bull market highs should be incredible support… and bring a stonking great amount of buying.

We have buying, but it’s pretty tepid so far.
Which leads me to believe that the big players who would support this pig are waiting until the big funds blow up, margins get called, and blood really is in the streets.
So its not just possible, but probable we crash below $20K down to $15K
If we get down to $14K we trigger a bunch more unwinding and it might crash below 10K.
So there’s a generational buying opportunity in the offing, if you have the cohones, anon.
Which brings me to my point.
We need a way to make money in a recession and a crypto winter.
To go back into hibernation until risk-on is a viable investing strategy again.
And I gotchu.
This is what the equity curve for our 6 minute salary system looks like over the last month.

So multiply that number by your bet size, and that’s your profit for the month.
Risk $200/trade you made $5000
Risk $500/trade you made $12,500
Risk $1000/trade you made $25,000
Consider that you are making that kind of money FROM CRYPTO during the same period that BTC fell in half and altcoins were down 80-90%.
It’s a revelation.
And I’ll be teaching it for free, in about 20hrs from now.
You can register here