I'm going to teach my trading system for free (no catch)

Because I'm bored

Come on… do something!

Here’s the thing.

Humans aren’t set up to deal with strong emotions for too long. 

So after the peak of horrific emotions a few weeks ago … the crypto market has gotten progressively more and more boring.

Spoiler alert… this bullshit will probably continue for quite some time.

This is actually a known property of markets (thanks Professor Benoit Mandelbrot for noticing)

Volatility cycles from unsustainably high to unsustainably low.

And volatility in the crypto markets is a proxy for the emotions of investors.

So our roadmap for the next few weeks looks like this 

Another few weeks of very hard to read choppy action going pretty much nowhere.

And then either buyers will think it’s safe again and drive it up… or they won’t… in which case the market will start another slow roll over and accelerate to the downside as traders realize this was the wrong dip to buy.

What are the odds here? 

Wild ass guess but I think it’s about 60:40 that we eventually break to the upside. 70:30 if stocks find a bottom, which is a decent probability.

In the meantime I’m going to relieve the boredom by teaching a system that performs incredibly well when the market is going up, down, or sideways.

Everyone who trades it loves it because they are literally the only people making money in crypto right now.

I’m gonna teach it for free, with nothing held back, over the next few weeks.

I just decided, because I’m bored. 

Watch out for these emails. I’ll get super detailed.
