I'm teaching my whole trading system for free

(no catch)

 a few years ago I nearly died…

My muscles started breaking down, clogged my kidneys, and the next thing I knew I was in the ICU with a tube sticking out of my throat with 4% kidney function.

^^^ yeah that’s a hose jammed into my neck!

Gross, I know, and it hurt like a sonovabitch.

But the good news was I was able to keep trading for the whole month I was in the ICU. (click on the image to see a video of me trading with 2% kidney function)

You see, my trading rules are so simple that even literally on the verge of death I could make money.

I put all my skills and knowledge into building my trading system rules... and I just follow the rules like a monkey.

It's an easier way to make money.

And even better, you can get EXACTLY the same results as me... because we are taking the exact same trades at the same time because we follow the same rules.

Having RULES tell you what to do means that your results will be consistent and reliable enough that you really can quit your job and enjoy a life of freedom from the markets.

I'll be emailing you most days with market updates and teaching you everything you need to know about trading... so watch out for my emails in the coming few days.

And to welcome you to my list I’ve got something special for you.

I currently trade two systems….

A press-button-make-money momentum system that maximizes profits when the market is strong (and outperformed Bitcoin by 12x in 2021)

And a slightly more work, but INCREDIBLY CONSISTENT system we call the Crypto Salary System.

The big advantage of the Crypto Salary System is that it works whether crypto is booming or crashing… whether the market is running fast, or just churning sideways.

I’ll tell you more about the Automated Wealth Creation Engine tomorrow… but today I have a special gift for you.

I’m holding a special live event on 16th June at 7pm EST and teaching my Crypto Salary System complete and entire, with nothing held back (promise).

What I’m going to reveal is the exact method you can use to make $500-$2000 per day in just 6 minutes a day.

It’s steady, consistent, works for people with tiny accounts and you don’t need to know anything technical.

It’s literally the perfect side hustle.

I’ll be teaching it at a special live event on Thursday 16th of June at 7pm EST (that’s Friday morning if you are in Asia or Australia)

It’s absolutely free… and I know you think it’s some kind of thing where I show you 5% of the system then ask you for money.

NO WAY! (pinkie promise)

I’ll show you absolutely every single thing you need to build your own crypto salary side hustle, with nothing held back.

You’ll get all the written rules, absolutely everything you need, and a copy of the presentation slides.

Here’s the deal…

I’m going to show you absolutely everything, and then if you want my help in implementing it… I can turn you into a professional trader way faster than you can figure it out by yourself.

I charge a very reasonable fee for that, but you absolutely don’t need to pay me a cent.

There are dozens of people in our community earning a living from this system who learned it from me for free.

So CLICK HERE TO REGISTER - and I’ll see you on June 16th

P.s. my live events really are good