The moment of danger has passed

Markets most often make big moves from a historical low in volatility.

Yesterday there was a window of opportunity where a little move down could have set up a cascading stop run leading to a crash.

Not only did we not get a crash, we got the biggest up candle in several months

The market has now strung together 4 consecutive up closes, and we know that statistically the biggest moves happen from strong kickoffs.

Bottom line, the market is QUITE A LOT STRONGER than I expected.

I’m currently in hospital in truly excruciating pain. I had a double hip replacement on Monday and weirdly my shoulder rested in a weird position during the anesthetic and it got disclocated.

So its a good news bad news situation.

Good news is I’m high as giraffe pussy on morphine.

Bad news is that my brain might not be working 100% for the next few days

Anyway my main focus is teaching a bunch of you my long/short scalping system for perpetual futures.

It’s a wickedly performing system and everyone trading it loves it.


Well it doesn’t make a shit ton of money… but it’s very very consistent.

Times like these a little consistency in your P&L goes a long way.

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