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- Prepare your stinkiest stink bids
Prepare your stinkiest stink bids
Its a deal, its a steal, its the sale of the century
Finally I’m in a position to tell you when this bullsheet is all over.
This is *classic* end of bear market stuff… which is the very perfect time to buy if you have the giant balls.
Unless bitcoin really is dead (and there’s very little chance of that, no matter what goes down) this is the time when fortunes are made.
But not yet… prepare your stinkiest stink bids though and get ready to rumble…

We have…
Forced liquidations
Media calling crypto dead
Bears doing victory dances
All the pieces are in place. What we are waiting for is the blowups and the final end-of-days crash.
3 Arrows Capital (one of the big VC funds run by Zu Su) is in big trouble

They have their funds locked up in StETH, a synthetic coin which is experiencing a de-peg.
Celsius (major lending platform for all that bullshit “yield farming”) is nearly insolvent.
You can see their collateral here, but as at current time if BTC price hits $14,002 then $526 million worth of collateral will be immediately and algorithmically market sold.
Which will crash the market, obviously.

Since it’s obvious that would crash BTC to below 10K, there is incentive for sellers to drive the price there… and no buyer in his right mind would jump in until it’s resolved.
Game theory… who knew?
Everybody’s favorite shitweasel Justin Sun (Tron) has an algorithmic stablecoin which was a copy-paste of UST (which just catastrophically failed)
Now unsurprisingly, it’s being attacked too.
USDD has more collateral than UST did, but that collateral will be forced to be deployed.
Same turd as UST rolled in a different color of glitter. The same result will happen, obviously.

Net Unrealised Profit/Loss is in the capitulation zone - which is why the AWCE system switched to cash for those who wondered.
I hope you can see why, given previous drops after the NUPL turns red. (That means all participants in the market are, in total, underwater, which is a necessary precondition for the end of a bear market)

Breadth on the Nasdaq is below GFC levels

We need a cleansing fire to burn the yield scams, the ponzis, the VC rug pullers at the stake so we can begin anew.
BTC will survive. So will some other stuff (I’m looking at WOO at these levels thinking its astonishingly cheap)
BTC is sound money.
And in an inflationary regime we need sound money more than ever.
In an era of conflict between superpowers we need money that can’t be seized or sanctioned more than ever.
In an era of wars, famine and climate change we need to be able to put our net worth on a USB drive and GTFO.
When totalitarian governments try and restrict the movement of their citizens people need to be able to sneak to freedom without losing everything.
When governments stop working for the people and devalue currencies into Venezuela territory… people need the option to hide assets from the state and transact in sound money.
BTC solves this.
Tax evasion, sanctions busting, cheap money transfer, avoiding hyperinflationary regimes, refugee protection…
These are real use cases. Net positives for the world.
BTC isn’t going anywhere.
The shitcoins… probably deserve what they get at this point.
Which brings me to something I have for you.
In 36 hours I’ll be teaching my Crypto Perpetual Futures System.
It’s been performing like an absolute champion right through the recent unpleasantness.
It’s steady and stable as a rock.
The last month (the worst month in history for crypto) it’s made our members a cool $24K each (risking just $1K per trade)

I’d love to teach you this.
And here’s the deal.
Unlike most people who show you a fraction of the system, tease it out a bit, then make you pay… I’m gonna give it all for free.
The whole enchilada.
The written rules
The auditable real time results
Videos with examples
Templates and spreadsheets to do the heavy lifting
Everything you need to run a professional trading business
Why? Usually this shit costs thousands.
I’m selling time.
If you like my system and you want to trade it yourself, I’ll give you everything you need to get up and running.
There’s no tricky things you won’t get, no missing pieces of the puzzle.
If you want to pay me though, I can turn you into me… really quickly.
And I do that in small groups in a 12 week sprint.
I get fabulous results for my clients, I’m turning out an army of clones who grind it out day after day.
And it’s NOT a get-rich supersystem.
It’s a slow grind side hustle.
Takes 6 minutes a day.
Takes 2 weeks to learn.
But you DON’T need to pay me anything.
Just register for the webinar Thursday 16th June 7pm EST (That’s Friday for Australians)
It’s probably your last chance today, my zoom account has a capacity limit so make sure you register asap.
See you there