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Project Zimbabwe
doom loop engaged
Big news just now.
The Bank of England just pussied out when the 30 year Gilt bonds started trading at 25 cents in the dollar.

They just announced that they are going to start buying their own bonds aka YIELD CURVE CONTROL.
This is all to support the failed trickle down bullshit tax cuts for the rich they tried to wrong-hole into the unlubed anus of the British public.
Still, it’s arguably a better plan than his last one, to ask nicely for people to stop shorting the GBP

OK so what is this and why should you care?
I mean it’s only the English right? Who gives a rat’s ass about the Brits?
Not so… the global economy is so interlinked these days that everything affects everything else.
On one hand they are raising rates to “control inflation”.
On the other hand they are massively increasing the monetary supply, which sacrifices the value of the currency.
This is PROJECT ZIMBABWE kicking off in real time.
You see you have inflation, asset prices, and currency values.
You can only save one.
The Bank of England just gave up on fighting inflation and sacrificed the currency to do it.

Sure they are making the noises, but buying a trillion dollars worth of bonds counteracts anything they do with rates so why even pretend.
This is called YIELD CURVE CONTROL and it is highly contagious.
You see, central bankers are all the same basic bitch.
They all think alike.
And turning the money printer back on is going to be fantastically popular with the politicians.
And the general public.
And the bankers.
Sure, it’s tremendously irresponsible, it’s going to beggar the general populace and it’s going to doom loop the global economy but YOLO.
Here’s what should happen.
This is contagious. If it stabilizes the UK markets expect other central bankers to weaken as well.
And let’s not forget the Bank of Japan pussied out a few days ago. Now England.
Expect spineless politicians in the other banana republics to follow suit.
Make no mistake, Powell will set the world on fire and then ride to the rescue with his mighty money printer.
This is a game changer for crypto.
If J-Pow turns the printer back on, it should be the catalyst for a sustained crypto bull run.
And all risk assets as well. Because they are priced in funny money, and that’s all going Project Zimbabwe.
After all BTC really is the only sound money left, right?
My advice… hands off the trading platform for a little bit.
Wait for J-Pow to blink.

And the feckless fuck is speaking today, how nice!
Enjoy the show!

P.s. Replay is up of today's webinar where I show you how to get our NEW TREND FOLLOWING SYSTEM FOR FREE (no shit)
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