I sense a disturbance in the force

I sense a disturbance in the force, and it looks bad.

You see, before traders sell their coins, they first have to transfer them to exchanges.

Because I’m a sneaky rat, I monitor closely the amount of coins landing at the exchange wallets

You can see that <checks notes> every fucking time this happens the market gets its face ripped off in short order.

I’ll zoom in so you can get a closer look

So bad shit is coming down the pipe. Ugh.

And yes, I’m well aware that the stock markets rallied for one whole day on the Bank of England intervention.

But do please explain to me how British pension funds being minutes away from a margin call is bullish?

Here’s the way I see it playing out.

The markets are going to take a massive dump. The Fed has to be seen to be doing something and they are going to keep raising.

That *should* drag crypto down below the June lows (if that doesn’t happen it’s incredibly bullish btw)

Once we burn off the dead wood of the bull market, shake the paper handed bitches out and everyone gets real scared….

The Fed will ride to the rescue with money printers blazing.

Project Zimbabwe.

Currency debasement.

Sacrificing all the bonds and currencies and living with inflation because the alternatives are just too painful.

In such a scenario hard assets will go to the moon.

No harder money than BTC and Gold.

I truly believe we will see BTC at $200-$300K in the next few years… and Gold at $5000

But I also think we will crash first.

Which kinda sucks, but the game is the game.

You have to keep your capital intact to play the greatest wealth creation game of our lifetime.

Stay in the game.

Don’t get too cute.

Learn the Crypto Salary System (watch the presentation here) - and use it to steady stack wealth until I give you the all clear that the good times are back on.

Or better yet, use our next generation trend following system to automatically keep you in the strongest coins all the time.

And if you’d like the trend following system FOR FREE, I’m gifting it to every one of our Crypto Salary Incubator members, and everyone who joins in the next week.

That’s a stunning, incredible deal, and it’s my way of thanking you for your loyalty.

The CSI system is in beast mode right now, and Coach Mauricio has posted a truly impressive result for the month just passed, beating all of us with an overall win rate of 50% (with a 2:1 risk reward ratio that’s a heap of profits)

Get in quick if you want the trend following system for free by joining us in the Crypto Salary Incubator


P.s. I need a favour :)

I’m trying to decide what products I should work on for you, and the smart play is to ask!

If you can do me a massive solid and fill out this VERY SHORT QUIZ I’d be ever so grateful.